Google Hardware x Liberation

Build a global hardware brand

Design director leading the Liberation team tasked to build a clear and successful global channel marketing strategy and develop narrative driven engagement.

Create and build a digital delivery channel that guides partners through Google’s vision of best practice channel marketing, and offers access to all the tools to make it a reality.

Please contact me for more on my Google work

Google Hardware

With effective campaigns.

Engaging marketing moments throughout the year that promote Google products and the Assistant ecosystem.

Google Hardware

Standout in stores

Making products standout in physical and digital stores. 

Google Hardware & Google Play

With disruptive experiences.

Developing and trialing engaging moments throughout the customer journey. 

Google Pop-up fixture visual
Google Chromebooks

and digital marketing.

Marketing ‘a new way of computing’ products that are challenging to communicate to consumers.

Please contact me for more on my Google work

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